TV Addiction Among Toddlers And Kids

TV Addiction Among Toddlers And Kids

Gabrielle Wright, Phoenix contributor

CONTEXT: Studies have long shown that exposing children to TV from a young age has negative, long-term impacts, from poor school adjustment to unhealthy habits. A 2022 study said toddlers can also be hurt by parents letting them use smartphones or tablets.


Attention deficit, social isolation and aggressiveness. How can you beat the bright colors and high voice pitch of TVs, tablets and smart phones? For some, these introductions start a few weeks after birth, while for others, it starts a year or more after.

Okay, so, how is this problematic? Undoubtedly, it does not impact you now, but what about your younger siblings and the children of the future generation?

I understand the different perspectives. Parents have work to do, children are stressful to care for, and the list goes on. “You do not understand what it feels like raising a toddler! All the whining and crying!”  But experts say it is damaging. “Using mobile devices to settle down a young child may seem like a harmless, temporary tool to reduce stress in the household,” Jenny Radesky, a developmental behavioral pediatrician, said in an article on, “but there may be long-term consequences if it’s a regular go-to soothing strategy.”

The idea of removing the crying and whining sounds good. Toddlers can be annoying, but what about their health and their future? “Early childhood is a critical period of brain development and formation of behavior. High levels of TV consumption during this period can lead to future unhealthy habits,” Dr. Linda S. Pagani, a psychosocial professor at the University of Montreal said in an article on  

In today’s society, time is more than precious. But so are children. At least, remember that they will later be the ones of the future.

TV addiction is real among children. Nature and toys bring out their imagination, creativity and critical thinking skills. 
