LETTER FROM THE EDITOR: Welcome to the SHS Phoenix

SHS launches new online student newspaper


Dear Readers, 

Welcome to the launch of the official student news site for Schenectady High, the Phoenix.

My name is Cameron Adams and I’m the new editor of the school’s restored newspaper.  I took the Journalism class here last year, which really helped my skills as a journalist and as a writer overall, and I was selected as a student intern for The Daily Gazette this fall. Journalism is what I want to pursue as a career, it’s what I want to go to college for.

There are so many interesting stories out there waiting to be written and heard. They say now that the newspaper medium in 5 years will be gone, done, finished. But we shouldn’t let that happen as readers, writers, and believers. As long as there continues to be students interested, the paper will continue to thrive.

The Phoenix has been down for some time now, but we want to change that.

How do I write for the Phoenix?

Anyone who is interested in journalism or just writing, sign up for The Phoenix. The Phoenix is the school’s newspaper. We really need people to get the school newspaper up and running again. We meet every Tuesday after school in A4, come join us if you are interested. We are going to need a full working staff. So, if you’re interested in journalism or in just writing itself, please join the school newspaper. 

We need writers, editors, photographers, cartoonists, and more. We need news, opinions, sports and entertainment that matter to you.

If you want to join us, contact a Phoenix staffer or one of the advisers, Roger Gaboury and Melissa Hughes. Or fill out our Google Form and we will add you to our team.

Come be the VOICE of Schenectady High.

Your fellow editor, 

Cameron Adams